Saturday, March 27, 2010

More food things


4 or 5 Large well washed celery stalks, Diced finely
1 med Onion, Diced finely
3 boneless/skinless chicken thighs (Still kinda frozen)
2 cans of cream of celery soup and milk
1 can of HOME STYLE (Not flaky layers) biscuits
1 tbs of Olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

and one large deep saute pan (like such)

put the oil in the pan and then the diced celery and onion, don't be freaked out by how much veggies that looks like, it reduces quite a bit, it's mostly water.

So stir that around on high for a bit, till the onion bits start to turn clear-ish, have your milk and soup handy. slice the chicken into smallish pieces and add to pan along with salt and pepper, stir for a moment till the chicken starts to cook, reduce heat to med and at that point add the soup then milk and stir so that's all mixed in well, now your pan is really full, but not over flowing.

open your biscuit thing, they usually have like 8 in there, some times more, take out one for everyone eating (4 here) and tear the rest into little pieces (Like around dime size) and throw those in the pan, stiring every so often to get them mixed in good. Once those are all in, put on low and put the lid on.

Put the other biscuits in the oven, and while those are baking, stir occasionally, when those are done, so is dinner.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What is this, I don't even?

So I am going to post what I made for dinner last night.


half a bag of chopped frozen broccoli
one can of corn
1/2 diced onion
3 cloves of garlic, minced
1 tbs of olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
one half frozen chicken breast
2 tbs of parsley
3 cups of chicken broth
2 cups of plain couscous

and one large deep saute pan (like such)

Put all the veggies and the olive oil in the pan, turn on high, add salt and pepper.

While the broccoli is thawing take the chicken breast and slice it thinly (it's easier to do when the chicken is still kinda frozen) add to veggies, stir some more.

It won't take long for it to thaw all the way and start to cook, at this point turn the heat to med and add the chicken broth. stir that a bit and then evenly sprinkle on the couscous. Stir that until you are sure that it's all wet, then put the lid on for a few min, stiring every now and then. Once it's all thick and plump looking, dinner is done.